The Archive executes next assignments:
1. To execute audiovisual, photo and sound documents collecting, which are linked with Latvia and with the most actual social, political and cultural events.
2. To provide high-quality saving of the accumulated dcuments.
3. To provide public availability to use documents, according to an existent legislation.
4. To form constantly and independently audiovisual, photo and sound documents and to complement with them archive funds.
5. To provide collecting electronical documents and data for State storage from the State information systems and registers.
The Archive executes next functions:
1. Provides document accounting and description, forms archive's scientific certificates system and continuously improves them.
2. Regularly tests condition of the keeping documents in the Archive and if it is necessary provides special treatment, restoration and copying (in the case of depositary - when such processes are necessary to provide, the Archive contacts with the fund owner).
3. Executes scientific work in archive, makes methodical materials improving, analyse and inculcate experience of foreign archives in work with funds of audiovisual, photo and sound documents.
4. Provides documents storage and accounting control of the archive acquisitions.
5. Makes methodical and consulting help in archive for the State institutions, corporate and physical bodies.
6. Provides documents usage according to the State and world usage rules of the documents conditions, in the borders of its technical possibilities provide making of copies.
7. Promotes audiovisual, photo and sound popularization, give out informative charges for archive documents, makes documents publications, exhibitions, meetings, gives out booklets and informs public about documents keeping.
8. Provides historical and cultural documents realizing out of the State borders and assists in their receiving.
9. Organizes studying and professional improvement for archive's workers.