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RSA of Jēkabpils
       Documents of the institutions of
Aizkraukle, Jēkabpils, Ogre districts
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RSA of Jēkabpils
Regional State Archive of Jēkabpils is a territorial unit of the National Archives of Latvia. The aim of RSA of Jēkabpils is to ensure acquisition, registration, preservation and use of records included in National Documentary heritage within Jēkabpils town, as well as in municipalities of Aizkraukle, Aknīste, Ikšķile, Jaunjelgava, Jēkabpils, Koknese, Krustpils, Ķegums, Lielvārde, Nereta, Ogre, Pļaviņas, Salas, Skrīveri and Viesīte.
Address: Brīvības Street 2a, Jēkabpils, LV 5201
Telephone/Fax: +371 65231013
Reading room: opened on working days 9.00-16.00
References and consultation: working days 8.30-16.00
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© State Archives of Latvia, RSA of Jēkabpils, 2007. Developer:  "Profero" Ltd
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