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Exhibition catalogues
Creating exhibitions is an important part of scientific work at Latvian State Historical Archives. Exhibitions popularize rich funds of the Archive to the visitors, giving them an insight into documents referring to different periods of history. The themes of exhibitions are mostly determined by the so-called historic topicality – interest of society in a specific historic event usually connected with a significant anniversary.
Compiling catalogues of exhibitions of historic documents should be considered a tradition of the Archives. The catalogues not only help the visitors to better orientate themselves in the exhibition, but also aggregate information when processing data on historic documents referring to specific topics during the preparation work.


Kurzemes un Zemales hercogistes 450. dzimšanas dienas izstāde. ( Adobe PDF, 556,4 Kb)
(Cultural Monuments in Jelgava District)                                                              
(Literature and Art Society of Courland – 180)
(China in the Documents of Latvian State Historical Archives)
Latvija–Polija. 1447–1940   (Adobe PDF, 94 Kb)
(Latvia–Poland. 1447–1940)
(Latvian Organisation “Aizsargi” in the Light of Documents)
(Liberation Struggle in Latvia 1918–1920)
 Latvijas valstij 80   (Adobe PDF, 260 Kb)
(Latvian State – 80)
(The Relations between Latvia and Lithuania. 1918–1940)
(Adobe PDF, 10,7 Mb)
(From Jelgava to Mēmele and farther still…
History of Communication of the Duchy of Courland)
(„Pārdaugava” – a series of exhibitions
Daugavgrīva and Bolderāja in archival materials. 13–20th cent.)
Katlakalns un Bišumuiža   (Adobe PDF, 472 Kb)
(„Pārdaugava” – a series of exhibitions
Katlakalns and Bišumuiža)
No Spilvas līdz Zundam. 14.–20. gs.   (Adobe PDF, 417 Kb)
(„Pārdaugava” – a series of exhibitions
From Spilve to Zunds. 14–20th cent.)
Torņakalns   (Adobe PDF, 580 Kb)
(„Pārdaugava” – a series of exhibitions
Zasulauks un Āgenskalns   (Adobe PDF, 475 Kb)
(„Pārdaugava” – a series of exhibitions
Zasulauks and Āgenskalns)
(Adobe PDF, 292 Kb)
Capitals of Two Independent States in the 20ies–30ies of the 20th century)
Vidzemes kartes. 17. gadsimts   (Adobe PDF, 40 Kb)
(Maps of Vidzeme. 17th century)


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